Covid-19 – India’s second wave Restrictions for Flyers.

Amidst rising numbers of daily infections, The Civil Aviation Ministry imposes new restrictions.

Earlier today India Ministry of Civil Aviation brought back a restircition on onboardcatering. The Monistry announced that a ew set of guidelines will need to be followed in the interest of passenger safety to curb the spread of covid-19.
The guidelines states that airlines can serve pre-packaged meals with disposable cutlery and plates on flights with a duration of two hours or longer. “Crew shall wear a fresh set of gloves for every meal/beverage service.. the servicing of in-flight meals to be staggered among the adjacent seats as far as possible,” it said.
The ministry said it has decided to review the on-board meal services in domestic flights considering “the increasing threat of COVID-19 and its variants”.
The decision comes amdist fesr of passengers not wearing a mask through the duration of the flight. Besides these restrictions many states have their own testing and quarantine requirements for passengers arriving from states with high incidents of covid-19 cases.
India now has taken second spot in global infection chart surpassing Brazil as the second worst affected country. Many restrictions and sir bubble agreements were put in place when flights resumed on May 25th last year. With the current situation easing of these retrictions are unlikely to be anytime soon.